Saturday, June 14, 2008

Houston wildlife

There are really some fun things to see in Houston.

Yesterday morning, I was on my usual 70 minute walk along the trail provided by the Sienna Plantation HOA, and I saw four deer in the man-made valley - the valley being, of course, a flood control feature.

Here's the Homeland Security satellite image:

I'm the green X, the deer are the little green dots. It's a great view down the valley when you turn the corner on the trail - one of the few places you can look down the length instead of just into it from the sides, without leaving the trail and risking being taken down by a predator.

I also saw six white herons, but I see those almost every day. The deer were special.
But yesterday afternoon, on the way to the theatre, we saw GA's alligator again, so we went back to the house to get the camera. Here he is:

Sienna Plantation alligator (photo by wm)

Now there's something you don't see in Midland or Wichita Falls every day. And he even smiled for the camera. See how friendly everyone is down here?

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I hear that alligator can be good eating. :)

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