Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daylight Savings: end it now!

Today, once again, we observed the pagan ritual of Daylight Savings Time.

We do this twice a year, forcing the sun to advance in the sky the length of a time zone in the spring, and then forcing it to actually move backwards in the fall. This cannot be good for the sun!

So I did some research. It turns out that NASA and our government are aware of a phenomenon they secretly call "Sun Fatigue," but of course they aren't going to tell us about it. And when this gets out, they will deny deny and deny some more. But here are the photos.

First, the sun just before the government began requiring DST:

Notice the healthy yellow glow coming from our friend, the yellow sun, which gives Superman his powers.

Now notice the sun five years after they began tampering with the Universe itself:

You can see that the yellow has faded, and old sol is a little closer to being a Red Dwarf, and a little closer to imploding from exhaustion, absorbing our Earth in a black hole of utter destruction.

But a couple of years ago, they made it worse, much worse.

DST is now the law a full half of the year, leaving the sun even less time to recover from the enormous strain of going backwards every other half-year. And, because of new TSA regulations requiring the sun to also go through a security scanner every time it reaches a new time zone - after all, it is in our air space - our sun, our faithful friend, the source of our energy, is actually ill.

Just look at the sickly green that is infecting the face of our best friend in space:
Forget about global warming. This is the real danger. Something must be done. Write your congressman now, and demand that our sun be given its freedom once again.

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