Sunday, October 26, 2008

Yelllow roses and gardens

You may remember the two rose bushes from my hurricane video.

Photo by wm. Hurricane by Ma Nature.

Yesterday, both bushes had grown new leaves and were producing some roses. The yellow roses, however, were numerous and beautiful. GA decided that there were enough that we could take a couple indoors for the kitchen table:

photo by wm, roses by God

I think these are virtually perfect. And what better symbol of Texas than the yellow rose?

We had a tiny yellow rose bush back in Midland, which the new owners have probably killed by now, converting everything to the popular"plain yard" motif. But it was tiny by comparison, and I suppose may have been a miniature variety. I don't know about such things. All I know about roses I learned from Aunt Wynona, namely to cut the roses at a point just above a junction with five leaves. For whatever reason, that practice will result in more blooms. See, she's a flower gardener, while I specialize in veggies.

Monday, I'm going to put in a new garden. I bought some new border bricks at Home Depot, because when I do a garden, it has to double as landscaping, and looks have to take precedence over the practical. Still, I will not have a rectangular plotted, straight rowed conventional garden. It has to be a work of... art.

The current garden still has tomatoes, garlic, cilantro and black eyed peas, all crowded together like a bunch of New Yorkers. The cilantro is just about ready to pick and toss into a salad.

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