First, the one somebody else came up with:
Place an X by all the things you've done and remove the X from the ones you have not, then send it to your friends (including me).
Things you have done during your lifetime:
() Gone on a blind date
() Skipped school
() Watched someone die
(x) Been to Canada
(x) Been to Mexico
(x) Been to Florida
(x) Been to Hawaii
() Been to NYC
(x) Been to Las Vegas
(x) Been on a plane
() Flown a plane
() Been on a helicopter
(x) Been on a motorcycle
()Ridden ATV's
(X) Been lost
() Gone to Washington, DC
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Swam with Stingrays
() Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers
() Recently colored with crayons
(x) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid for a meal with coins only
() Paid for a huge bill (thousands) in single dollar bills
() Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) Made prank phone calls
(x) Done something VERY naughty (your mother would gasp)
(x) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(x) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(x) Watched the sunrise with someone
(x) Hiked a Volcano
(x) Blown bubbles
(x) Gone ice-skating
(x) Gone sledding down a big hill
(x) Gone to the movies
() Been deep sea fishing
(x) Driven across the United States ( alone or not)
() Been in a hot air balloon
() Been sky diving
() Been white water river rafting
() Been bungee jumping
(x) Inner tubing down a slow moving river
() Boating on Lake Powell
() Gone snowmobiling
() Lived in more than one country
(x) Vacationed in another country
(x) Toured Europe
() Ran for your life from NY street thugs
(x) Lay down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets
(x) Seen a falling star and made a wish
(x) Enjoyed the beauty of Old Faithful Geyser
(x) Seen the Grand Canyon
() Seen the Statue of Liberty
() Seen the fireworks over Mount Rushmore on the 4th of July
() Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle
(x) Been on a cruise
(x) Traveled by train
(x) Traveled by motorcycle
() Been horse back riding
() Ridden on a San Francisco cable car
(x) Been to Disneyland OR Disney World
(x) Truly believe in the power of prayer
(x) Been in a rain forest
(x) Seen whales in the ocean
() Been to Niagara Falls
() Ridden on an elephant
() Swam with dolphins
() Been to the Olympics
() Walked on the Great Wall of China
() Been spinnaker flying
() Been water-skiing
() Been snow-skiing
() Been to Westminster Abbey
() Been to the Louvre
() Swam in the Mediterranean
() Been to a Major League Baseball game
() Been to a National Football League game
() Swam with sharks (knowingly)
() Went Scuba diving
(x) Swam with barracuda
(x) Snorkled
() Been to Alaska
(x) Watched volcano lava up close and personal
() Danced ballroom
() Gave birth to a child
() Paid a fertility clinic for services
() Buried a child
(x) Been married
(x) Been divorced
(x) Been married twice
() Gave birth to a child at home
() Gave birth to a child under water
() Gave birth to a child without pain killers
() Had a c-section
() Has and did, or is, raising more than 2 children
(x) Sent a child through college
() Walked on a glacier
(x) Swam in a lake
(x) Saw a bear up close in nature (no fences)
() Been in, or been to, jail (even if for 1 hour)
() Visited someone in jail
(x) Know someone who has been in jail (longer than a day)
() Been in the movies or TV (extra or actor)
() Met a star (famous person)
() Got an autograph of someone famous
() Lived next to someone famous
() Related to someone famous
(x) Thrown a party (big or small)
(x) Drove way over the speed limit
(x) Argued with a cop
() Gotten out of a big speeding ticket in front of a Judge
(x) Been beaten up
() Beat someone up
(x) Sang on stage
(x) Loved deeply
(x) Grown a garden
(x) Raised animals
(x) Owned a dog or cat
() Home schooled children
() Sat in natural hot springs
() Banked money in the Caymans Islands
() Been a Vegetarian
() Been a strict Vegan (eats NO animal products)
(x) Fought against the IRS (and won)
(x) Been to court
(x) Been stung by a bee
(x) Been face to face with a snake in the wild
() Been bitten by a snake
() Been bitten by a spider
(x) Played a prank on someone
(x) Sued someone
(x) Built a snowman
() Been in a major car accident and lived to tell about it
(x) Been in a small car accident
(x) Had a house built
(x) Built a house (or helped build one)
() Had a cabin built
(x) Been personally in the hospital for any reason
(x) Had a major operation done in the hospital
(x) Had flowers given to you
(x) Given flowers to someone
() Had a professional massage done
() Had a massage on a tropical beach
(x) Have given someone else a full body massage
() Had plastic surgery done
() Had a mud bath from a spa
(x) Owned your own business
(x) Given thousands of dollars to charity
(x) Won a major prize in a contest
(x) Been enrolled in college
() Graduated from college
() Graduated from trade school
() Stitched (sewed) up a cut yourself
(x) Been a teacher
() Watched the professional X-games live
(x) Broken a bone
(x) Been stranded at an airport
(x) Been to a concert of a famous band or group
() Died and brought back to life
() Reported a crime in progress
(x) Participated in Patriotic movements
() Joined the Army
() Joined the Peace Corp
() Hiked the Y
() Hiked Timpanogos Cave
(x) Been to a garage sale
(x) Had your own garage sale
(?) Saved someone from dying (I've donated platelets enough times that I can say that)
(x) Sat around a camp fire
(x) Given a speech in front of a crowd
(x) Joined a cause
() Rode a bike down the board walk on the beach (for miles)
(x) Wrote a book (published or not)
(x) Read a big novel
(x) Kissed on the beach
(x) Started a group
() Been a surrogate mother for someone (carried their child in your womb)
() Lived on an island
(x) Learned a different language
(x) Sent someone love letters in the mail
() Joined a different religion or philosophy
() Sewed an entire piece of clothing (ie. dress or pants)
(x) remodeled a home (one room or entire thing)
(x) planted flowers
() planted an entire yard of grass
(x) Been fishing
(x) Roller bladed
() Been a lifeguard
() Gotten a tattoo (real one)
() Worn a thong bikini (and looked good in it)
(x) Been over weight (more than 10 lbs)
() Worn a bikini after having lots of kids (girls only)
() Danced the Salsa
(x) Worked on the engine of a car
() Put up Christmas lights on your house outside
(x) Played Santa Claus (all dressed up) (or Mrs Claus)
() Made a gourmet meal from scratch
(x) Been married longer than 10 years
() Have twins or triplets
() Coached someone through the birthing process
(x) Sang a child to sleep
() Know how to cook without recipes
(x) Bought a house
(x) Bought more than one house
(x) Played dead and others thought you really were dead
(x) Danced around your living room naked (didn't dance well, of course)
() Thrown a costume party
() Written your name in perm. ink on something you shouldn't have
() Broke into a friends house and cleaned it
(x) Fiddled around with a Ouija board
(x) Shaved your head or got a flat top (baldy or at least super short)
(x) Wrote a rant letter to someone (telling them off)
() TP'ed someones house or room
Now, here's my own list:
Things you have done during your lifetime:
(x) Performed in a play that ran more than five weeks
(x) Hiked more than ten miles in one day
(x) Written a play and seen it performed
(x) Seen the Alhambra in Spain
(x) Had an entire stage all to yourself during a musical
(x) Gotten lost in a cave
(x) Explored an abandoned house
(x) Stood on a tile or floor two thousand years old
(x) Been in the southern hemisphere
(x) Been to a castle (or ruins of a castle) once owned by an ancestor
(x) Sang in a choir in a church more than 750 years old
(x) Walked on a grave dating from the Crusades
(x) Toured the Tower of London
(x) Been under a bat flight
(x) Seen a vampire bat, not in a zoo but in a cave
(x) Eaten food from a street vendor in Mexico
(x) Seen the International Space Station and a comet on the same night
(x) Eaten snails (escargot) with butter
(x) Seen a real live sea turtle, not in a zoo but in the sea or near it
(x) Slept with a candidate for public office
(x) Heard gunfire in your own neighborhood
(x) Seen someone get shot with a gun
(x) Seen a stealth bomber in a hangar, under armed guard
(x) Had dinner with a Scottish man wearing a kilt
(x) Gone swimming in a cave where people had drowned before
(x) Climbed a ledge where people had fallen to their deaths before
(x) Worn pink pajamas in public
(x) Given a eulogy at a funeral
(x) Done a secret act of random, senseless kindness
(x) Appeared in a television commercial
(x) Designed one or more websites
(x) Picked up a hitchhiker on an impulse
(x) Lost more than 30 pounds in one unbroken effort or program
(x) Faced the possibility of dying
(x) Pulled off a tough guy bluff to protect someone else
(x) Hiked in a tropical rain forest, in the rain
(x) Been a designated driver for your friends who were Partying Down™
(x) Pretended to be British and pulled off the ruse
(x) Pretended to be anything you're not and pulled off the ruse
(x) Refused to do something that was socially expected, for moral reasons
(x) Written a letter to a national publication, which was then published
But the real Bucket List is supposed to be the things you want to do before you die, but haven't yet:
() See Rome.
() See Pompeii.
() Walk on a glacier.
() Visit Australia, and actually throw a shrimp on the barbie.
() See a Broadway show, on Broadway
() See the solar eclipse in 2012
() Celebrate the winter solstice on the Yucatan peninsula as the Mayan calendar ends.
() Have a tiny walk on role in a successful movie.
() See a Lillian Gish film in a theatre.
() Eat an avocado from my very own tree.
() Take the tour in Gruta del Palmito and see where I proposed to GA 25 years ago.
() Tour Kew Gardens.
() Give Laura San Giacomo a nice backrub.
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9 years ago
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