You and I think all the time. Our brains never shut down, unless we're consuming way too much tequila. But after we've processed all those thoughts and ideas, there are interesting little pieces of chips in the bottom of the brain's resealable bag, and they are often the best, even though you can't really dip them into the French onion. Why are they the best? Because they have all that flavoring from the other chips that has settled down into the bottom of the bag, that's why.
Welchs December 2015 Newsletter
Welchs Grapevine December 2015 Newsletter for emailing or printing and
mailing is available for download at this link. Download a print quality
copy of the...
Girls in White Dresses
I met up with Little Miss "H" this morning. We played around for a little
bit capturing a few Easter images for Grandma. This sweet session lasted a
very s...
AT&T… we have a connection!
I bet you thought I was going to talk about my phone, huh? Well, I’m not.
Okay, maybe I am – a little. We have been having major challenges with our
cell s...
My Voice
I just sent this to 596 people in the government:
(If you want to know how to fax your own message, let me know. If you
disagree with me, talk to your dog a...
What a night I had. I was up late surfing the web, fell asleep at the
computer ( like that's anything unusual ), finally got into my actual bed,
and then h...
Things That Go "K" In The Night...
The other night, I woke up to the sound of Naomi whispering, "ok?" (Well,
actually, "k?") I had slept through her original question, but she was
asking for...
One step forward?
While he wasn't my choice for President, I am proud of America for putting
their racial prejudices aside and electing the first non-caucasian
President. It...
If we can’t recruit volunteers we will GROW them!
Tracy Alexander and Gunner Tumlin take a WELL deserved break after
Melodrama Rehearsals on Tuesday. Gunner is one of the many “Mini Mummers”
in training. ...
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