In 1945, near the end of World War II, the USA developed a new bomber with the capability to deliver heavy bombs directly to Japan. The Japanese were no longer so smug about their ability to enslave other nations, as bombs began to fall on weapons factories and near prison camps. The USA already had some top secret equipment, including RADAR, and including a bombsite device that provided stunning accuracy.
My dad, Jesse Payne, was on a bombing run from the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. He was the navigator. They arrived at their target, the bombardier did his job, but the bomb refused to drop. The bomb bay doors were stuck.
This meant that the crew of the B-29 could set down in Japan and become prisoners of war, or they could crash into the sea in an attempt to return home. There was no way they had enough fuel to return with those heavy bombs.
Fortunately for them, one of the crew was a country boy from Texas, my dear old dad. He stomped on the stuck bomb until he forced it through the doors. They made it back alive and healthy, and my dad lived to see his 80's and raise four children with my mom's help.
Dad is in heaven. Happy Father's Day, Dad!
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