I was watching a show on the Spike channel today, a series called "1,000 ways to die." Many of them were bizarre, most were good Darwin Award candidates. One really caught my attention.
Assuming they didn't just make these up out of thin air (which is possible), there was a grumpy old Scrooge sitting in his house during the Christmas season, when a group of carolers came to his house to sing for him.
He went to the door with a bowl of fruit, and began throwing apples and oranges at them. They didn't say whether he actually shouted "Bah! Humbug!" at them. As they ran away, a two pound hailstone fell from the sky and hit Scrooge in the head, killing him.
I wonder how I could find out if that really happened. I know at least one of them was likely made up, simply because - well, I'll relate that one.
Two drug dealers get shipwrecked, and are washed up on shore on this island, and are then eaten by cannibals. Now, who was supposed to have reported this incident? Not the drug dealers. Not their business associates. Maybe the cannibals?
At the time I assumed that the idea was to simply list the ways to die, and being eaten by cannibals made the list, so they fabricated a possible scenario. But what about the Scrooge? That would have to be specific. I kind of want it to be true. Ya know?
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